Sunday, September 30, 2012

Even if you were to study your own life in detail and relive each moment that you suffered, sweated and smiled beneath the sun, you would still never know exactly when you had been useful to someone else. A life is never useless. Each soul that came down to Earth is here for a reason. The people who really help others are not trying to be useful, but are simply leading a useful life. They rarely g ive advice, but serve as an example. Do one thing: live the life you always wanted to live. Avoid criticising others and concentrate on fulfilling your dreams. This may not seem very important to you, but God, who sees all, knows that the example you give is helping Him to improve the world. And each day, He will bestow more blessings upon it. Manuscript found in Accra

Saturday, September 29, 2012

05 - Jon Davis - Forsaken (Alone I Play - 2007)

I’m over it.
You see I’m falling in a vast abyss
Clouded by memories of the past
At last I see

I hear it fading
I can’t speak it
Or else you will dig my grave
You feel them finding
Always whining
Take my hand
Now be alive

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I’m not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone

I’m over it
Why can’t we be together?
Sleeping so long
Taking off the masks
At last I see

Queen of the Damned
Dave Draiman-Forsaken

My fear is fading
I can’t speak it
Or else you will dig my grave
You fear them finding
Always whining
Take my hand
Now be alive

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I’m not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I’m not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sin la soledad, el Amor no permanecerá mucho tiempo a tu lado. Porque también el Amor necesita reposo, de modo que pueda viajar por los cielos y manifestarse de otras formas. Sin la soledad, ninguna planta o animal sobrevive, ninguna tierra es productiva por mucho tiempo, ningún niño puede aprender sobre la vida, ningún artista consigue crear, ningún trabajo puede crecer y transfor marse. La soledad no es la ausencia de Amor, sino su complemento. La soledad no es la ausencia de compañía, sino el momento en que nuestra alma tiene la libertad de conversar con nosotros y ayudarnos a decidir sobre nuestras vidas. Por lo tanto, benditos sean aquellos que no temen a la soledad. Que no se asustan con la propia compañía, que no se desesperan buscando algo en qué ocuparse, divertirse o qué juzgar. Porque quien nunca está solo, ya no se conoce a sí mismo. Y quien no se conoce a sí mismo comienza a temer el vacío. Manuscrito encontrado en Accra Paulo Coelho

Sunday, September 16, 2012

From now you will be sleeping in the back of my heart....

I hurt myself again. I spent a lot of time of my life trying to keep my heart safe but i fell again. When he came to my life he changed everything, I really thought that I finally found what I wanted. I was wrong again. I know I made tons of mistakes but I was  not the only one, baby, so please don't try to make feel guilty I would really appreciate if you hear your own words and think about it just for a minute. I'm sure all those wounds that I have right know will be scars soon all that I need is time to forget you.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sabiduría Indígena

Sabiduría Indígena Un viejo cacique de una tribu estaba teniendo una charla con sus nietos acerca de la vida. Él les dijo: "¡Una gran pelea está ocurriendo dentro de mí!... ¡es entre dos lobos!" "Uno de los lobos es maldad, temor, ira, envidia, dolor, rencor avaricia, arrogancia, culpa, resentimiento, inferioridad, mentiras, orgullo, egolatría, competencia, superioridad." "El otro es Bondad, Alegría, Paz, Amor, Esperanza, Serenidad, Humildad, Dulzura, Generosidad, Benevolencia, Amistad, Empatía, Verdad, Compasión y Fe." Esta misma pelea está ocurriendo dentro de ustedes y dentro de todos los seres de la tierra. Lo pensaron por un minuto y uno de los niños le preguntó a su abuelo: "¿Y cuál de los lobos crees que ganará?" El viejo cacique respondió, simplemente... "El que alimentes."

Compassion and the Individual | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Compassion and the Individual | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama