Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Bad Feeling
I know I said that would make you feel loved every minute of your life
I tried, believe me
but confusión won the battle
I away you from me.
when I want to be by your side
I ignore your calls when really dying to hear your voice
Fear is what I feel, I can not against it.
Help me
Come, tell me you can handle my fear
you do not let me drop me, that together we can overcome
I can only see through a black glass
Show me the exit , if there is one
I have the bad feeling that you get tired of me
I have the bad feeling
you'll come back soon but not for me, but for someone else
I need answers that only you can give me
it's just a bad feeling
none of this will happen ...?
Mal presentimiento
Sé que dije que te haria sentir querido cada minuto de tu vida
Traté, creeme
pero la confusion gano la batalla
te estoy alejando de mi.
cuando deseo estar a tu lado
ignoro tus llamados cuando en verdad muero por escuchar tu voz
Miedo es lo que siento, no puedo contra él.
Ven, dime que puedes soportar mi temor
que no me dejaras caer , que juntos podremos superarlo
solo puedo ver a traves de un cristal negro
Muestrame la salida, si es que la hay.
Tengo el mal presentimiento de que te cansaste de mi
tengo el mal presentimiento
que pronto volveras pero no por mi, sino por alguien mas
necesito respuestas, que solo tu me puedes dar
es solo un mal presentimiento
nada de esto sucederá...?
Friday, October 29, 2010

I wonder if you'll be thinking of me in this cold and lonely night
have you ever done?
Were countless the times you came into my dreams
were countless the times when I miss you
Your memory was enough to dream
For the first time I feel alive.
Can words have the power of destruction?
Can the indifference hurt so much?
and ... may your heart be so cruel to not love me?
We are separated from each other
the passage of days is but a slow death
I only found desperation in every act
I'm strong enough to withstand the distance
I'm strong enough to love you with my head held up
despite not to have a special place in your life.
Me pregunto si estaras pensando en mi en esta noche fria y solitaria
Algunas vez lo has hecho?
Fueron incontables las veces que irrumpiste en mis sueños
fueron infinitos los momentos en los que te extrañaba
tu recuerdo era motivo suficiente para soñar
Por primera vez pude sentirme viva.
Pueden acaso las palabras tener el poder de destruccion?
Puede la indiferencia lastimar tanto?
y ...puede tu corazon ser tan cruel para no amarme?
Estamos separados el uno del otro
el paso de los dias no es mas que una muerte lenta
Solo encuentro deseperacion en cada acto
soy lo suficientemente fuerte para soportar la distancia
soy lo suficientemente fuerte para amarte con la cabeza en alto
a pesar de no ocupar un lugar especial en tu vida.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I woke, I turned my head and I saw that there was no one beside me
I am alone, like yesterday and tomorrow also I will be .
If dream going to hurt so I dont want to continue dreaming
Is not the first time in a dream thata I can feel a passionate kiss
or a hug filled with love.
If open my eyes every morning means to spend another one day without love
I dont want to open my eyes anymore ,
The silence of an empty room
get home without someone waiting for me
seems to be what this meant for me.
Sometimes I wonder if I won't the only guilty, interestingly, the answer is in me.
Yes I am, I'm the only one to blame for my loneliness
but it is also true that no one could take the right path of this labyrinth that is my heart.
you make my armor to fade away my fears no longer exist but
quickly when I remember you telling me these words I dont want to hear
the pain paralyze all over my body and I want to run away from everything and everyone.
I know I look like a weak person, like a child who falls and you have to protect but who were living with a void almost all the life, is stronger than people think they are
I can live with the pain of a disappointment and I can keep dreaming and even I can wake with my bleeding heart ........
Desperté ,giré mi cabeza y vi que no habia nadie a mi lado
estoy sola, al igual que ayer y asi estaré mañana.
Si soñar va a lastimarme asi, no deseo seguir soñando
no es la primera vez que en un sueño puedo sentir un beso apasionado
o un abrazo lleno de cariño.
Si abrir mis ojos cada mañana significa que pasare una vez mas un dia sin amor
ya no quiero abrir mis ojos,
El silencio de una habitacion vacia
llegar a tu hogar sin que alguien espere por ti
parece ser lo que esta destinado para mi.
A veces me pregunto si no seré yo la culpable, curiosamente la respuesta esta en mi.
Si lo soy, soy la unica culpable de mi soledad
pero tambien es cierto que nadie supo tomar el camino correcto de este laberinto que es mi corazon.
haces que mi armadura se desvanezca, que mis miedos dejen de exist pero
rapidamente cuando te recuerdo diciendome esas palabras que no queria escuchar
el dolor paraliza todo mi cuerpo y quisiera correr lejos de todo y de todos.
Se que me ves como a una persona debil, como a un niño que cae y debes proteger pero quien convivio con un vacio practicamente toda su vida, es mas fuerte que quienes creen serlo
puedo convivir con el dolor de una desilucion y tambien puedo seguir soñando aunque despierte con mi corazon sangrando ........
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tu eres el resultado de ti mismo
No culpes a nadie, nunca te quejes de nada ni de nadie porque fundamentalmente Tú has hecho tu vida.
Acepta la responsabilidad de edificarte a ti mismo y el valor de acusarte en el fracaso para volver a empezar, corrigiéndote.
El triunfo del verdadero hombre surge de las cenizas del error.
Nunca te quejes del ambiente o de los que te rodean, hay quienes en tu mismo ambiente supieron vencer, las circunstancias son buenas o malas según la voluntad o fortaleza de tu corazón.
No te quejes de tu pobreza, de tu soledad o de tu suerte, enfrenta con valor y acepta que de una u otra manera son el resultado de tus actos y la prueba que has de ganar.
No te amargues con tu propio fracaso ni se lo cargues a otro, acéptate ahora o seguirás justificándote como un niño, recuerda que cualquier momento es bueno para comenzar y que ninguno es tan terrible para claudicar.
Deja ya de engañarte, eres la causa de ti mismo, de tu necesidad, de tu fracaso.
Sí, Tú has sido el ignorante, el irresponsable, Tú únicamente Tú, nadie pudo haberlo sido por ti.
No olvides que la causa de tu presente es tu pasado, como la causa de tu futuro es tu presente.
Aprende de los fuertes, de los audaces, imita a los violentos, a los enérgicos, a los vencedores, a quienes no aceptan situaciones, a quienes vencieron a pesar de todo.
Piensa menos en tus problemas y más en tu trabajo, y tus problemas sin alimento morirán.
Aprende a nacer del dolor y a ser más grande, que es el mas grande de los obstáculos.
Mírate en el espejo de ti mismo.
Comienza a ser sincero contigo mismo reconociéndote por tu valor, por tu voluntad y por tu debilidad para justificarte.
Recuerda que dentro de ti hay una fuerza que todo puede hacerlo, reconociéndote a ti mismo, mas libre y fuerte, y dejaras de ser un títere de las circunstancias, porque Tú mismo eres el destino y nadie puede sustituirte en la construcción de tu destino.
Levántate y mira por las montañas y respira la luz del amanecer.
Tu eres parte de la fuerza de la vida.
Nunca pienses en la suerte, porque la suerte es el pretexto de los fracasados.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow --
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
_All_ that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep -- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
_One_ from the pitiless wave?
Is _all_ that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
Toma este beso en tu frente!
Y, en el momento de abandonarte,
déjame confesarte lo siguiente:
no te equivocas cuando consideras
que mis días han sido un sueño;
y si la esperanza se ha desvanecido
en una noche o en un día,
en una visión o fuera de ella,
¿es por ello menos ida?
Todo lo que vemos o parecemos
no es más que un sueño en un sueño.
Yo permanezco en el rugido
de una ribera atormentada por las olas,
y aprieto en la mano
granos de arena de oro.
¡Qué pocos y cómo se escurren
entre mis dedos al abismo,
mientras lloro, mientras lloro!
¡Oh Dios!, ¿no puedo yo estrecharlos
con más ceñido puño?
¡Oh, Dios!, ¿no puedo salvar
ni uno, de la despiadada ola?
¿Todo lo que vemos o parecemos
no es más que un sueño dentro de un sueño?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Incubus - Warning
Bat your eyes girl.
Be otherworldly.
Count your blessings.
Seduce a stranger.
What's so wrong with being happy?
Kudos to those who see through sickness...yeah
Over and over and over and over...........
She woke in the morning.
She knew that her life had passed her by
She called out a warning.
Don't ever let life pass you by.
I suggest we
Learn to love ourselves,
Before its made illegal
When will we learn, When will we change
Just in time to see it all come down
Those left standing will make millions
Writing books on ways it should have been
She woke in the morning.
She knew that her life had passed her by
She called out a warning.
Don't ever let life pass you by.
Floating in this cosmic Jacuzzi
We are like frogs oblivious
Soon the water starting to boil,
Now I flinched and we all float face down
She woke in the morning.
She knew that her life had passed her by
She called out a warning.
Don't ever let life pass you by.
Pass you by.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Guns N' Roses - Patience
I miss you as hell, I need you as hell. hope you can understand that you are the one and only in my life, with you I can be myself . I love you
I'll have all the patience and I'll waiting until you come back. No matter how long I should wait..
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Rasmus Lost And Lonely
the rasmus - heartbreaker
I can relate with a couple of thing of this song....
Well anyway it's a long story.
She's been waiting for so long
Still got the songs in her mind and the autograph on the photograph
She's got a past full of secrets
She's got a clock on her feelings back from the days when she used to have wings
She had a dream full of anger
She had a dream full of action
Afraid to get old she feels so cold
Such a typical reaction
Oh yeah, oh yeah. She wanted to be a heartbreaker
Oh yeah. She was so greedy but a lousy lovemaker
Oh yeah, oh yeah. She wanted to be a heartbreaker
She used to be the queen of the scene
She had a key but she lost it
Nothing's gonna last and the time goes fast - she knows
She had a man but she messed it up again
She had a chance but she blew it
She's gotta little baby boy in her womb but she doesn't have a clue yet
Oh yeah...
Striking her down
Crushing her to the ground
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Broken heart for a Heartbreaker
someone laugh at you heartbreaker
what are gonna do now?
you cant enjoy the pain of others anymore.
Is your turn to suffer, and it tastes bitter, isn't it?
who is devastated now?
who cries at night and who torments with bad thoughts?
Can you tell me who is next to the phone right now?
How many days have passed away since the last time you heard his voice?
That hurts, right?
everything turned black around, your tears are of blood
you can not react ..
someone gave you to drink your own poison, heartbreaker?
and now you begin to understand what rejection means,
who are dying while others are happy?
someone is denying you what you used to deny? .
who is devastated now?
who writes love songs and is alone in her room
to whom it belongs now the silence of loneliness?
How many days have passed away since you tore a heart that loved you honestly?
Heartbreaker don't cry
Nothing is real in your life
is time to face the truth
everything was your choice
there is no chance to change
and hide all your pain
everything is done.
your mind begins to blocking ,
and becomes distressing to know how much pain you caused by fear of not being loved
and although you knowing that the damage you've done someday it will return to you
and you continued hurting to calm your loneliness
to make you feel really strong when you really are the weakest
la sangre corre a traves de ese corazon roto
alguien se burló de ti rompecorazones
que haras ahora?
ya no puedes disfrutar el dolor ajeno
te toca a ti sufrir, y eso sabe amargo no es cierto ?
quien está devastado ahora?
quien llora en las noches y se atormenta con malos pensamientos?
Puedes decirme quien esta junto al telefono en este momento?
Cuantos dias pasaron ya desde la ultima vez que escuchaste su vo
todo se torno negro, tus lagrimas son de sangre
no puedes reaccionar..
alguien te dio de beber de tu propio veneno, rompecorazones
ahora comienzas a entender lo que significa el rechazo,
ahora eres tu quien esta agonizando mientras otros son felices
te estan negando lo que solías negar tu.
quien esta devastado ahora?
quien escribe canciones de amor y esta solo en su habitacion
a quien le pertenece ahora el silencio de la soledad?
Cuantos dias pasaron ya desde que destrozaste un corazon que te amaba honestamente?
tu mente comenzo a bloquearse,
se torna angustiante saber cuanto dolor causaste por miedo a no ser amado
y aunque sabias que todo el daño que has hecho algun dia volveria a ti
continuaste lastimando para calmar tu soledad
para sentirte fuerte cuando en verdad eres la persona mas debil
Monday, August 9, 2010
2x años de mi vida odiando al mundo por negarme mis sueños. 2x años preguntandome por que soy un ser impregnado de negatividad, desconfianza,inseguridad y celos. La respuesta en cierto modo la sé, pero no quiero admitirla completamente y tan facilmente.
Estoy enamorada. Nunca pense sentirme asi como me siento, se supone que deberia estar contenta por haber encontrado a la persona que tanto busqué, dentro de mi ronda el fantasma de los celos y la inseguridad, no me siento una mujer capaz de despertar amor en alguien. El me atrapo como nadie nunca lo hizo, y creanme que se de lo que estoy hablando. Pero tambien confieso que me siento asi , por mi culpa porque mi inseguridad , mi miedo a no ser amada me hace ver fantasmas donde no los hay. Mi mente me juega otra mala pasada pero...como hago para salir de esto? Desearia poder disfrutar pero no logro hacerlo, siento que nunca podre expresar mis sentimientos, el miedo es un enemigo peligroso al que aun no se como enfrentar
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
If he only knew that I think of him every single second of my life and when I reminds his voice, his chats a sweet smile escapes from my lips maybe he can understand he makes me the happiest girl in the world and I would give my all to make him happy.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010

I have the wonderful gift of destroying feelings.
I don't feel pleasure doing it,
it only convince me to deserve this loneliness
This is the dark side of me,
Wish I could stop these bad feelings that I really
I'm just a soul full of resentment, full of fear to spread its wings and know the reality
I'm just a soul looking for love, I don't want to suffer
but my own selfishness, the hate to myself
destroys me and destroys everyone who wants to love me
I could never decipher the codes of life
I am not in tune with the world
this does not seem to be a place for me ....
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Cinema Bizarre - My Obsession
"My Obsession"
If you want me to listen whisper
If you want me to run just walk
Wrap your name in lace and leather
I can hear you
You don't need to talk
Let us make thousand mistakes
Cause we will never learn
You're my obsession
My fetish, my religion
My confusion, my confession
The one I want tonight
You are my obsession
The question and conclusion
You are, you are, you are
My fetish you are
You can kiss me with your torture
Tie me up to golden chains
Leave me beggin undercover
Wrong or right
It's all a role play
Let us make a thousand mistakes
We will never learn
You're my obsession
My fetish, my religion
My confusion, my confession
The one I want tonight
You're my obsession
The question and conclusion
You are, you are, you are
My fetish you are
Come to me tonight
You're my obsession
My fetish, my religion
My confusion, my confession
The one I want tonight
You're my obsession
The question and conclusion
You are, you are, you are
My fetish you are
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Injured Innocence
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
In Hiding

(by Pearl Jam)
I shut and locked the front door
No way in or out
I turned and walked the hallway
I knelt and emptied the mouth of every club around
but nothing's sound nothing's sound
I'd stay but my last cab left me
ignored all my rounds
soon I was seeing visions and cracks along the walls
they were upside down
I swallow my words to keep from lying
I swallow my face just to keep from biting I... I
I swallowed my breath and went deep, I was diving , diving
I surfaced when all of my being was enlightened
I'm in hiding
I'm in hiding
I'm in hiding
It's been about three days now
since I've been aground
no longer overwhelmed and it seems so simple now
It's funny when things change so much
it's all state of mind
I swallowed my words to keep from lying
I swallowed my face just to keep from biting I..I..
I swallow my breath and went deep I was diving I was diving
I surfaced and all around my being was enlightened
Now I'm in hiding
I'm in hiding
I'm in hiding
I'm in hiding
I'm Inhiding
I'm in hiding
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The voice within
Young girl, don't cry
I'll be right there when your world starts to fall
Youn girl, it's all right
your tears will dry, you'll soon be free to fly
When you're safe inside your room you tend to dream
of a place where nothing's harder than it seems
No one heartache life can bring and what it means
When there's no one else
look inside yourself
like your oldest friend
just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
that will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
to trust the voice within
Young girl, don't hide
Yo'll never change if you just run away
Young girl, just hold tight
and soon you're gonna see your brighter day
Now in a world whre innocence is quickly claimed
it's so hard to stand your ground when you're so afraid
no one reaches out a hand for you to hold
when you're lost outside look inside to your soul
where there's no one else
look inside yourself
like your oldest friend
just trust the voice within
ten you'll find the strength
that will guide your way
if you will learn to begin
to trust the voice within
Life is a journey
it can tak you anywhere you choose to go
as long as you're learning
you'll find all you'll never need to know
when there's no one else
look insideyour self
like your oldest friend
just trust the voice within
then you'll find the strength
that will guide your way
if yo learn to begin
to trust the voice within
Youn girl, don't cry
I'll be right here when your world starts to fall .....
Monday, March 29, 2010
Another day.....
I refuse to awaken. I can't find enthusiasm in my life.There is nothing That can make me smile.
I can hardly breathe.The air is polluted with loneliness.I'm tired, I feel once again I lost the battle. My tired Body becomes weaker every second of this miserable life.
I have no hopes, life taste bitter to me. I turn around I can't think, my mind is completely blocked. The world is frozen as every beat of my heart. My dreams are dead. I'm a solitary person who watches from the shadows ,crying, waiting to escape for a moment and know the happiness. Maybe I'm not ready to change or maybe I don't want.
Let me come back to my shelter in the shadows of my loneliness. Let me wait for another day , maybe tomorrow I can see a light in the darkness.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Missed Family
heart banished
screams,fights and forgot respect
that explain my pain
my dear missed family
brains washed for the ambition
broken bonds
all of you are my disappointment
How many times I needed you ?
and you gave your back?
there are no memories
the old pictures lies
I curse you
thanks to all of you family means shit to me
nothing can save us
this is just a family who got lost in the dark
Friday, March 5, 2010
Small world of frustration
victory of the loneliness
you can't feel worse
your world starts to fall
you become a prisoner of the worst feelings
Fear Abused you
Rancor destroyed you
you can runaway from this
small world of frustration
no dreams
no love
no happiness
your life can be understood only about repression
never fulfilled dreams and goals never reached
sometimes envy embrace you
and you hate evrybody who looks happy
you want to erase their smile
and live their life
but... they aren't to blame
is frustration who paralyze your mind , your life
you can't overcome yourself.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Funeral of Hearts-H.I.M

Love's the funeral of hearts
and an ode for cruelty
when angels cry blood
on flowers of evil in blood
The funeral of hearts
and a plea for mercy
when love is a gun
separating me from you
She was the sun
shining upon
the tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail
he was the moon
painting you
with it's glow so vulnerable and pale
Love's the funeral of hearts
and an ode for cruelty
when angels cry blood
on flowers of evil in bloom
The funeral of hearts
and a plea for mercy
when love is a gun
separating me from you
She was the wind , carrying in
all the troubles and fears you've for years tried to forget
he was the fire, restless and wild
The heretic seal beyond divine
a prayer to a god who's deaf and blind
the last rites for souls on fire
three little words and a question why
love's the funeral of hearts
and a n ode for cruelty
when angels cry blood
one flowers of evil in bloom
The funeral of hearts
and a plea for mercy
when love is a gun
separating me from you
No Fear..... Destination Darkness......
For me Darkness.....
Mean.......feel that your words were ignored
Mean...... that you scream and noone hears you,
Mean....noone undrestand you,
Mean......that they always say that everything is your fault who makes things worse and they are unaware of their mistakes
Mean ....cry when you can't expressed yourself
Mean.....that someone hurts you
Mean......that they think you play a very well role of victim
Mean....that in their world you are the "strange" and they make fun of you while you try to respect their choices.
Mean .....Sadness
Mean.... that you need a hug and they give you indifference
Mean.... that you feel out of place
Mean.....that you want to run away when they fight
Mean.... feeling lost
Mean.... you wanna be somebody else,
Mean....that sometimes noone talks to you.
Mean ..... that they want to change you,
Mean.... that they rarely spent time with you when you really need them
Mean... that your own world is the better place for you while they call it "a fantasy world"
Mean......that you are your own enemy and your best(and only ) Friend
Mean....that your tears are made of blood
Mean ...Pain
Mean...... Frustration
Mean ..... that you feel an idiot and you can face the world
I'm here to hear you, and share with you my pain, my deepest feelings,my sadness when I see that all my dreams are broken, I'm here to hold your hand cry together, To understand you,I'm here to let you know that you are in your new home .....WELCOME TO THE DARKNESS